PDR World

Mechanical Joint Closure

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Mechanical Type Joint Closure is designed to be used in any environment aerial, pedestal, buried, manhole. It is well suited to accommodate a maximum of 96 fibres for various splice applications such as track (backbone), spur (branch) or distribution points. Cable ports can be sealed using the robust & reliable heat shrink mechanism.
The closure comprises a plastic moulded dome shaped housing with fibre management trays attached to an Dummy cap. There are 4 round cable entry ports and a single oval cable entry port for the main distribution cable.. No special tools are required for assembly & re-entry.
closures can accommodate up to twenty-four fusion splice sleeves in each tray. The trays are hinged at one end to facilitate access of each tray without disturbing the other trays. In addition, any fibre from a tray can be spliced to any other fiber on another tray easily due to the way the trays are stacked.


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